Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bearack Obama?

This photo captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect wildlife in the US.

After a sweeping Democratic Party victory in the November elections, animals that were formerly self-sufficient are already modifying their behavior to take advantage of what they expect to be a new set of societal norms in the next four to eight years.�
This black bear from Montana has ceased hunting for a living and is sitting outside the US Fish & Wildlife Service office in Kalispell, apparently waiting to be fed and to have his winter den dug by government employees.�
The residents of Kalispell are calling him "Bearack Obama".

Monday, December 8, 2008


The Christmas Sweater

Tyler and I were able to see the Christmas Sweater live this evening at the Qwest Arena. We both thought it was very well done. This is a story for everyone. I was worried that it would have strong LDS overtones, but it didn't at all; Quite the opposite. Great job Glen! Thanks for sharing your story.">">">